Curious about the animal world? Then check out these amazing and interesting animal facts that you have probably never heard of before.
1. Baby Rabbits Are Also Called Kittens
2. A Group Of Flamingos Are Called A Flamboyance
3. Dolphins Have Names For Each Other
4. A Group Of Porcupines Is Called A Prickle
5. Thousands Of Trees Grow Every Year Because Squirrels Forget Where They Buried Their Nuts
6. Worms Communicate By Snuggling
7. Butterflies Taste With Their Feet
8. Cows Have Best Friends
9. Male puppies Let Females Win When Play Fighting To Encourage Affection
10. Fish Know How To Use Tools
11. Elephants Show Incredible Empathy For Others, Even Different Species
12. Sea Otters Hold Each Other’s Paws When Sleeping So They Don’t Drift Apart
13. A Cat’s Nose Imprint Is Unique Like A Human Fingerprint
14. Rats Can Laugh
15. Jellyfish Can Regenerate Cells Making It Able To Live For Ever
16. Cows Produce More Milk When Listening To Soothing Music
17. When Rabbits Jump In Excitement, It’s Called A Binky
18. Gentoo Penguins Win Mates By Giving A Carefully Selected Pebble
19. Humpback Whales Share Mating Songs Throughout Their Population
20 Chimp Babies Like Playing With Dolls
21. Seahorses Mate For Life And Travel In Pairs Holding Each Other’s Tails
22. Apart From When Nesting, A Common Swift Will Most Of It’s Life In The Air
23. Monkeys Want Equal Pay. If Given A Different Reward For The Same Task, Monkeys Will Get Upset
24. Parrots Choose Their Mates For Life
25. Quokkas Appear To Be The Happiest Animals In The World