Vocabulary is a set of those familiar words that a particular person uses within the language.

Every person has different preferences of words, and a unique vocabulary, based on the set of knowledge. Vocabulary grows and develops, with age and evolves with time.

With the word knowledge of vocabulary, comes many different types of communicative skills. I can’t agree more, that we all have it some part of our lives looked quite foolish by stabbing a new word, by pronouncing it hilariously. Although these moments are quite embarrassing, they depict the gap between your reading and speaking skills. It is as awful as having baked an excellent cake, with icing that went wrong.

Why do we need a treasure of vocabulary?

It’s a constant struggle if you don’t have above the edge vocabulary in this competitive society. We have all struggled to come up with ‘Just the perfect word’ and ultimately had to settle with a subpar synonym. It’s the same as describing a dish at a restaurant, from good / better / best rather than using ‘Mouth-watering’ / ‘Scrumptious’ / ‘Delectable.’

Having a large and extensive vocabulary will help in expressing yourself clearly and communicate with full clarity. It is essential to put your thoughts into exact and precise words. Hence, it is crucial to have the best linguistic vocabulary to bring out the best.

There are many tools to develop and increase the linguistic and written vocabulary that can make you win in many ways and places. Here is a list of 10 most useful tools that may help in increasing the vocabulary.

1. Vocabulary.com

The vocabulary.com, a website available on iOS, Android, and web, not only is an authentic pocket dictionary, but it’s an easy way to memorize words also. It is effortless to use. If you want to learn a word on it, you have to click the “start learning this word” option, and you’re ready to go.

2. Magoosh Vocabulary Builder

Magoosh vocabulary builder is an app that is available on IOS and Android. This app guides you through many vocabulary lists. With a very easy to use graphical user interface, this vocabulary builder app is as straight forward as it could be when it comes to learning exam level words. You can choose which test you want to study for and select a difficulty category. Your progress is recorded daily throughout your study.

3. The word finder

It is a great tool to increase your vocabulary by solving interactive and skill development activities. Apart from having lots of skill-building features, it consists of a new and helpful tool – ‘random word generator.’ You need to type simply any number of words you are looking for and mark the selections you require, as a result getting several words as a suggestion.

4. Old-School Word Learning

If you want to learn vocabulary the old school way, Anki or Quizlet are the best options. Both of these are available on the web, Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac. Both of these offer a variety of flashcard decks such as “4000 essential English words” and “computer engineer English vocabulary II.” These also support images and sound media.

5. Reverse Dictionary (Web)

If you want to overcome those frustrating moments where you can’t replace a word with the most appropriate one, reverse dictionary surfaces a set of options from a descriptive phrase. When a thesaurus is of no more help, this website is the best option.

6. Kindle Vocabulary Builder

Kindle vocabulary builder is available on kindle, and it helps you remember new words. If you are a regular reader on kindle, you are no stranger to the vocabulary builder feature. If you turn that feature on, you can select any word that you’re reading, and it will add it to your list.

7. Subscribe to a Word of the Day Series

If you are looking for a consistent and little learning each day, subscribe to a word of the day series to expand your vocabulary. Online dictionaries not only offer word definitions and sample sentences, but they are also providing readers another feature, which is a word of the day. It is a very effective way of improving your vocabulary every day because you get the chance to meet new and challenging words that you may have never heard before. There are many sources of word of the day.

– Dictionary.com

– New York Times’ vocabulary.com

– Lookup (iOS)

8. Merriam-Webster’s Assessment

If you want to test yourself on your vocabulary, Merriam Webster is the best website. You’ve started to use new words daily, but how do you know that your vocabulary level has improved, you can test yourself by answering the ten-question quiz of this website. After you give the exam, the site will provide you with a score that can help you out in realizing where you have reached with your vocabulary.

9. Vocabulary Building Blogs and Podcasts

Reading blogs based on language; helps in learning words that we do not generally come across in our daily life. It is a straightforward way to expand vocabulary horizons. Podcasts related to language are a great tool on the move. Follow the best to suit your skill level.

10. Grammarly

If you want your quality of writing to be improved, you will have to use Grammarly. Grammarly makes sure that everything you type is mistake-free. It is not only an extension on internet explorer and Google Chrome, but it is now available on mobile. By using Grammarly, you will never make a mistake while typing, and you’ll be able to write without any fails.

Words are a great treasure, with which you can win hearts, communicate to impress, hold the harness to run for success and every day is dawn to new winnings.