High resolution stock photos check out these stunning landscapes chosen from the amazing portfolio of artist Kim Ezra from the 500px photographer community!
High Resolution Stock Photos Stunning Landscapes By Kim Ezra
Source: KimEzra 500px
About 500px
Hello everyone,
We are proud to present 500pxArt.com — the evolution of the 500px Market. Market was started as a place that enabled photographers to sell and print their beautiful photos. 500px Art allows you to do just that but on a much larger scale. Now with wide variety of printing options, international shipping and new audience reach, buying and selling wall art is more exciting than ever!
500px Art offers 28 options for base materials, styles, frames and multiple sizing options to choose from. Payment processing is available in over 20 currencies and shipping is world-wide (your most requested option is here!). As a dedicated site, 500pxArt.com is accessible to anyone looking to purchase and sell exceptionally beautiful photographs.
As always, the photographer and 500px will split the net revenue 70/30, with the lion’s share going to the photographer. 500px members will also enjoy a 35% discount when purchasing their own photos.
When 500px was looking for the best partner to help us execute this vision we chose New Era, based in Austin, Texas. New Era delivers hundreds of thousands of high quality prints to buyers around the world every year. A company a lot like ours, they are industry experts and it is our pleasure to be working with them to bring 500pxArt to the world.